- added a few more PGC-Commands in pgc-commands-editor
- enhanced the VTS_Overview: Cell's can be previewed now like in VobRator by double-clicking on it.
- added a few Menu-Items:
BitRate calculator. It's a nice little bitrate caculator, but not perfect yet.
Backup IFOs. Backup's all IFO files of the current directory to a specific backup-directory.
Create ReMPEG2 cffl. Creates a cffl file for the usage with Rempeg2.
Merge Menu tables. This is for you CCE/Scenarist users! It exchanges all DVD-Menu related Tables with the specified IFO file.
Check m2v file + Check GOP structure. This 2 menu-items are for testing/debugging purposes. They create a txt file that contains the GOP structure for the selected m2v file, or for VOB files of current loaded IFO.
- added a Settings Menu option. In future here you will be able to make some more configurations for IfoEdit usage.
- On loading a IFO file, IfoEdit checks if all files in that directory are uppercase.
- and IfoEdit checks if the folder 'VIDEO_TS' is uppercase too.